
Monday, May 4, 2009

Time for Ourselves

The Swinging Bridge at Glen Park.

As much as Cliff and I adore spending time with Gavin and miss him when we're not with him, we sometimes feel like we're always racing home after work to be with Gavin. We occasionally miss the freedom to take our time coming home from work, stopping to run errands, meeting a friend for a walk or a quick bit to eat, etc. To keep ourselves from feeling like we're so short on time, Cliff and I have each chosen an evening a week that is our night to come home late... and by late, I mean 8:00. We can do what we want that night and don't need to pick up Gavin from daycare, make dinner, or rush home for anything else.

I have chosen Monday nights and Cliff has chosen Tuesday nights. On Tuesday nights, Cliff is shooting on a clay pigeon shooting league with some friends, which goes on for about another two months. Currently, Monday isn't a great choice for me because I work until 5:30 or 6:00 that day, so I only end up having an extra hour to hour and a half, but it works for now. I haven't committed to any particular activity for my evening, but admit that I've chosen to spend my hour at Wal-mart or the grocery store once or twice since sometimes it seems like that's the only time I can get there!

A friend suggested going walking now that the weather is so nice outside. There is a small group of us interested in walking and whoever is free that night will go. I think it will work for me most nights, and when there is something else I need to do, that's okay too. No commitment needed.

Erin and Stacy out for a walk through Glen Park.

Last week Stacy and I went walking. We walked about 3 miles, from her house near West Side Elementary School to Glen Park where we crossed the Swinging Bridge over the river and then we continued down to Main Street for a beer and a bite to eat at the Main Streeter. When we left the Main Streeter it was starting to get a little darker and the air was cooling down quickly. By the time we got back to her house, we were chilled, but enjoyed the cool night and the chance to get out of the house!

As always, here are a few pictures! (this one on the left is not actually from our walk, but I thought it was a good picture of the swinging bridge so I'm including it here)

The View from the the Swinging Bridge.

Maybe I can get Cliff to take some pictures of his shooting adventures!

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