
Monday, August 30, 2010

Sweet, Sweet Farm Boy

I wished he had smiled for this picture, but it was hot and humid and it had already been a long morning out in the sun. He had been smiling earlier in the day when he was sitting on the John Deere, but of course, I didn't have the camera handy then. By this time, we had just eaten our potluck lunch and were about to head home for nap. Like I said, it had been a hot and humid morning out in the sun - not much relief from the sun in a hay field.

I love the line of people waiting to get into the quonset to get their potluck lunch. It could be the 40s and the picture would probably look very similar - it's one of those timeless scenes... old farmers in hats, their wives carrying crocks of casseroles and bowls of jello salad. I do wish he'd have smiled, but then it may have looked posed, and he wasn't posing. He was playing.

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