
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Belly at 40 Wks

Even in these last few days, this baby is still growing in my belly... a little bigger every day. I decided if we were going to capture the remarkable image that is both beautiful and at the same time a bit unnatural looking, our chances are limited. One of these days very soon, my belly is going to look very different, so we captured a few pictures of what it looks like now, at 9 months pregnant. I hesitated posting these, knowing that means that anyone could see them, but decided only my family and friends read this anyway, so here they are...


CarrieRutz said...

Looks uncomfortable. You can almost see the shape of the kid in there. Egads.

Lots of nesting work. You got a lot done for someone in your "condition". Some women talk as if they just sit around for the last few months of their pregnancy but you have been really active. Good job.

Kristin said...

I agree. I thought it sounded like you'd been extremely active lately as well. I think I would just get annoyed at trying to do things around a big belly and give up! Your belly is cute:)

Erin J said...

I think it's hilarious that my stomach almost seems to come up to a point in the center under my sternum. Rita did say that the baby's butt was straight up on Friday, sitting right there. Maybe that's what the point is. It looks like the pointy end of a gigantic egg. I'm not sure that "cute" is the right word for my belly, but it is rather incredible.

CarrieRutz said...

In the picture from the front, the bump looks like it's something in front of your body and not actually attached to your body.

Erin J said...

I know - that looks very weird.

PattyMac said...

You look fabulous! I know you probably don't feel fabulous, right now. Fun pictures. I am so excited for you guys!