I am writing to you today, not because I have something profound to share, but because I don't... and I'm trying to bust this feeling that I shouldn't write if I don't have something interesting to write about or share.
I will say, however, that my desire to write seems to be returning. I can't say, for sure, what is ahead, but I have found myself again recounting stories and writing in my head as I go about my day or as I drift off to sleep at night.
The source of this image can be found here. Credit to the photographer, Roberto Melotti, who took this on March 21, 2013 and provided the following caption:
Sunrise in the snowy woodsForeste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona, Campigna National Park - Italy - The photo has been selected to Editor's Choice on 11th December 2013. Thank you Editors! The photo has reached the 1st place in its category "Nature" and even the 2nd place overall including all 28 categories. Thank you all!
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